The Boise State Pathways Project team recently presented at several state, regional and national conferences to highlight their work in creating free open educational resources (OER) including instructional language teaching materials and professional development created by and uniquely for K-16 language teachers and students.
2021 Foreign Language OER Conference
On March 6, The Open Language Resource Center (OLRC) and the Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning (COERLL) hosted the first annual Foreign Language OER Conference. Pathways Project co-directors, Kelly Arispe and Amber Hoye, presented a session titled “The Value of Teams: A Tried and True Model for OER-enabled Pedagogy that Elevates Students Voices.” The presentation highlighted the Project’s OER-enabled pedagogy framework (Wiley, et.al, 2017) and how its community of K-16 world language instructors, staff and an interdisciplinary mix of university students work to create ancillary, classroom-ready materials
Watch the presentation here: The Value of Teams: A Tried and True Model for OER-enabled Pedagogy that Elevates Student Voices
Idaho Open Education Week
The Pathways Project recently participated in Idaho Open Education Week, hosted by Idaho State University, from March 1-5. The Pathways Project’s student OER Editor team facilitated a panel discussion discussing their experiences creating, implementing, and using open educational resources.
Watch the presentation here: Students Creating OER Content
2021 PNCFL Virtual Conference
The Pathways Project team also recently participated in the 2021 Pacific Northwest Council on Foreign Languages (PNCFL) Virtual Conference. The one hour presentation featured a complete overview of the Pathways Project’s mission and offerings, as well as a showcase of student-created materials.
Watch the presentation here: The Pathways Project