Teresa Harder, director of Regional Alumni Programs and Heather Carlson, director of Digital Marketing Strategy were recently honored with a Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) Silver Award for CASE District VIII for the Boise State Virtual Races Series event in the category of Alumni Relations Pivot.
When the COVID-19 global pandemic forced the Boise State Alumni Association and other campus groups to cancel in person events, the association’s Broncos Out and About program came to a screeching halt. However, the association’s first-ever, Boise State Virtual Race Series event provided a unique opportunity for them to continue their philanthropic mission to support student scholarships while keeping alumni active and engaged, even during a pandemic. The team created a virtual race series that invited alumni and friends from across the nation and of all abilities, to participate in an event that would contribute to their own health as well as raise money for scholarships.
The CASE award and successful event would not have been possible without the collaboration of other teams and departments across campus that supported with pep-talk videos, getting the word out and race fulfillment. Partners included the President’s office, Athletics, Bronco Athletic Association, Campus Recreation and the Alumni Relations team. Thank you to all the faculty and staff who participated! Stay tuned for information about a 2021 event.