The adoption of Open Educational Resources (OER) can significantly support greater student success by increasing day-one access to essential course materials.
Online faculty have an opportunity to get more familiar with the OER available in their disciplines via the OER Review Challenge in honor of Open Education Week.

From Mar. 1-15, faculty who teach online courses can earn a $150 stipend for reviewing an OER textbook. The challenge will be hosted via Canvas. To participate:
- Register to participate. Registration is open from Feb. 12 – Mar. 1.
- Attend the 30 min. kick-off session on Monday, Mar. 1 to learn about OER.
- Find and review an OER textbook in your subject area for a course you teach online from the Open Textbook Library.
- Write a 500 word review using the provided review criteria.
- Submit the review to the OER coordinator by Monday, Mar. 15 via the assignment in Canvas.
- Receive a stipend!
Participation does not require that you implement the OER you reviewed.
Register to join the challenge here. For any questions or concerns, please contact eCampus Center’s OER Coordinator, Monica Brown at