The College of Health Sciences is excited to announce that Holly Levin has taken on the role of Director of BroncoFit. BroncoFit is a campus-wide initiative to create America’s Healthiest Learning Environment by encouraging Boise State students, faculty and staff to engage in all aspects of health and well-being.
Levin explains that she is tasked with leading a team of individuals whose goal it is to make Boise State America’s healthiest learning environment. This team includes four professional staff, four graduate students, and many undergraduate students.
Levin points out that, “even though I have taken on this new role, it is really the team as a whole that makes everything work.” She is very passionate about her team and wants to highlight just how important they are in making BroncoFit possible.
Levin has many plans and aspirations as the new director of BroncoFit: “I think my goal is to help our campus community get through this difficult time, however long that may be.”
She stresses the importance she has placed on not just students, but employee health as well. As we navigate through this time in our lives, Levin’s main focus right now is helping people, regardless of their role.
Despite the incertitude of life right now, Levin is very excited for this new position. She references the eight dimensions of wellness: spiritual, emotional, intellectual, physical, social, environmental, financial, and occupational. She plans to utilize this model as the framework to help people improve and be the best version of themselves as they can be. Levin touched on how in the past, BroncoFit has had a reputation for being very fun. Now more than ever, that fun has a purpose – to be a resource where students and employees can feel comfortable.
Make sure to follow @boisestatehealthservices on Instagram and check out their website.