Mark Cowan, a professor in the Department of Accountancy, authored the article, “Taxing Cannabis on the Reservation”, which was accepted for publication in the American Business Law Journal. It will appear in the winter 2020 issue.
Cowan presented a draft of the paper in February in Oklahoma City at the 2020 symposium “Legal, Ethical, and Compliance Issues in Emerging Markets: Cannabis in the States,” presented by the Spears School of Business Center for Legal Studies and Business Ethics at Oklahoma State University and the American Business Law Journal.
“It was a fun and educational event and I feel grateful to have been able to participate,” said Cowan.
The symposium featured business law professors from across the U.S. and Canada, who presented on a wide variety of legal issues that affect the cannabis business. In addition, members of Indian tribes in Oklahoma, who are considering entering the cannabis industry, attended the symposium.