The Boise Blues Society and Riverside Hotel in Boise have established two scholarship funds for the Boise State University Department of Music within the Boise State University Foundation.
“The first is a current-use fund that will provide deserving students with scholarships beginning immediately,” said David Light, Boise Blues Society president. “The second is a long-term endowment that will ensure that scholarship money is available in perpetuity.”
The funds will support outreach to promote the blues art form, Light added.
Blue and Orange Blues Night, the first fundraising event for the endowment, will take place at the Riverside Hotel’s Sapphire Room on Saturday, March 28. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. The gala will feature world-renowned blues artist John Clifton. It will include a silent and online auction, a raffle and several sponsorship opportunities.
For more information on Blue and Orange Blues Night contact Boisebluessociety@gmail.com or visit: www.boiseblues.org