Recently, School of Public Service assistant professor Saleh Ahmed published a number of articles highlighting the adverse consequences of climate stresses, as well as opportunities to restructure the societies through this complex situation.
In his article “Rural Accessibility, Rural Development, and Natural Disasters in Bangladesh,” co-authored with a colleague from the University of Arizona, Ahmed addressed the importance of rural accessibility in socio-economic development, disaster risk management and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The researchers highlighted the fact that rural accessibility can create social and economic opportunities, and at the same time, poor or lack of appropriate accessibility can be the reason for increased disaster vulnerability.
In a book review, “The Concept of Climate Migration: Advocacy and Its Prospects,” published in the journal of Global Environmental Politics, Ahmed discussed the narratives on climate migration and their implications on global governance. In a second review, “Planning with Complexity: An Introduction to Collaborative Rationality for Public Policy (2nd Edition),” published in the Town Planning Review, Ahmed synthesized the importance of collaborative planning on public policy and decision making.
Ahmed also is active in writing weather blogs. In Weather Matters, he highlighted his concern on whether climate change will cause social conflicts or will create opportunities for collaboration, particularly when humanity is experiencing increasing stresses on resources and economy because of adverse climate impacts. Through his works, Ahmed is trying to inform people and policy to act rationally, so that societies can minimize their disaster impacts and follow sustainability trajectory in timely fashion.