Boise State’s printmaking program in the Department of Visual Art, Design and Visual Studies, has a new large-format press thanks to fundraising efforts, including printmaking alumni who donated their work through the fall 2017 Pony Up campaign, There’s No Press Like Home.
The university is saying thanks by inviting a group of 12 alumni artists to work in the Center for the Visual Arts for the remainder of the semester. The artists will pay a lab fee for supplies. Professor Jill AnnieMargaret, who oversees the printmaking program, also will be in the lab with the visiting artists.
The program’s new Takach etching press will expand research potential for students and faculty, and help place the Boise State printmaking lab on par with national and international printmaking labs, said AnnieMargaret.
Similarly, select alumni were invited to come “home” to work in the Boise State print lab during the spring 2017 semester. This provided artists with the opportunity to create new connections and camaraderie. The artists created prints using a variety of processes including etching, linocut and screenprint. The resulting prints were exhibited at the Student Union Gallery and collated into full- and half-boxed sets. Individually framed works and groupings of three were made available as collateral for donations to the PonyUp campaign.

To support the printmaking program at Boise State, donations can still be made through Fund AR296: https://give.boisestate.edu/