John Freemuth, the Cecil D. Andrus Endowed Chair for Environment and Public Lands and a university distinguished professor, will moderate a panel on the past and future of salmon in Idaho’s rivers at 6 p.m. Oct. 22 at the Salmon City Center, 200 Main St. in Salmon, Idaho.
The format is a panel discussion between stakeholders concerned about fish, dams, agriculture, science interests, the community and the economy. The panel will include representatives from the Bonneville Power Administration, as well as those representing agriculture, outfitters and guides. The Shoshone-Bannock Tribes and fisheries also are expected to participate.
Organizers include the Trout Unlimited’s River of No Return chapter, the Governor’s Lewis and Clark Trail Commission, the Sacajawea Center, and the Lemhi County Historical Society and Museum.
Freemuth also has made recent podcast appearances:
An episode of the National Parks Traveler podcast, Tribal Priorities For Everglades, Questionable Park Management, featured Freemuth talking about unprecedented actions and decisions being taken by the Interior Department and National Park Service.
The Center for Western Priorities podcast, Go West, Young Podcast, interviewed Freemuth following his participation in a panel discussion at the Society of Environmental Journalists conference in Fort Collins, Colorado.
Listen here: https://westernpriorities.org/2019/10/14/professor-john-freemuth/