Health Services has analyzed nearly 1,050 responses for their patient/client survey for the 2018-19 academic year. From the survey, Health Services was able to receive insight on patient and client demographics, the facilities’ most utilized services, overall patient satisfaction, and more.
Results showed that 75 percent of Health Science patients and clients are students. Additionally, survey results show that medical, urgent care, nursing visits and counseling were the top four services utilized during the last academic year for all groups including students, faculty and staff.

Overall satisfaction also was measured. Ninety-four percent of patient respondents recorded that they were either satisfied or extremely satisfied with their experience at Boise State’s Health Services. Satisfaction was measured further through specific experiences patients had when visiting Health Services such as scheduling, checking in, wait time, cleanliness/appearance of the facility and provider responses to their visit. Similar to overall satisfaction, the survey results revealed that within all of these patient experiences, a majority of patients responded positively with each area.
“The patient/client survey for Health Services is crucial in helping us continue to provide patient-centered, high-quality healthcare to the Boise State campus community,” said Julia Beard, executive director for Health Services. “The results allow us to more successfully form a better idea of what type of patients we’re seeing, our most utilized resources, and how satisfied those patients are so that we can continue to work towards creating America’s healthiest learning environment.”
One of the ways Health Services is working to expand patient satisfaction even further is through a new Patient Portal, an online service that provides personalized and secure 24/7 access to portions of patients’ health records, access to patient forms and the ability to communicate a response to their provider.
Health Services, within the College of Health Sciences, works to support the educational mission of Boise State University by providing convenient, accessible and high-quality healthcare to the campus community. They strive to provide a wide range of comprehensive and integrated services on campus to students, faculty, staff and their dependents.