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Two workshops to help students become independent learners


The Center for Teaching and Learning is pleased to welcome Santiago Toledo Carrion of St. Edwards University in Austin, Texas, who will lead two campus workshops on Oct. 4. Carrion’s workshops will explore innovative teaching techniques to help students become self-directed, independent learners.

Promoting Higher-Order Cognitive Thinking: Using Marzano’s Taxonomy to Frame Content-Based Learning Objectives

This workshop, held 9 a.m.-noon in the Interactive Learning Center, Room 315, will teach attendees how to leverage learning outcomes in course design to promote deep learning. Register here:

Using Alternative Grading Methods to Enhance the Quality of Feedback and Support Student Learning

This workshop, held 1-4 p.m. in the Interactive Learning Center, Room 315, will teach attendees to use mastery-based (specifications) grading in their courses, which replaces the accumulation of points with strategies that reward student mastery. Register here: