Peter Mullner, a distinguished professor in the materials science and engineering department, has been named a senior member by the National Academy of Inventors (NAI). Mullner is one of 54 academic inventors to be named in the spring 2019 class.

NAI senior members are active faculty, scientists and administrators from its member institutions who have demonstrated remarkable innovation producing technologies that have brought, or aspire to bring, real impact on the welfare of society. They also have proven success in patents, licensing and commercialization. An individual’s nomination for the NAI senior member class by its supporting institution is a distinct honor and a significant way for the organization to publicly recognize its innovators on a national level.
At their host institutions, senior members will continue to foster a spirit of innovation, while educating and mentoring the next generation of inventors.
“Dr. Mullner’s success in translating fundamental research on magnetic shape memory alloys into intellectual property is important and impressive. By involving his students and staff in this process, which range from high school students to research faculty, he is creating a lasting culture of innovation,” said JoAnn Lighty, dean of the College of Engineering.
This latest class of NAI senior members represents 32 research universities and government and non-profit research institutes. They are named inventors on more than 860 issued U.S. patents.
“NAI member institutions support some of the most elite innovators on the horizon. With the NAI senior member award distinction, we are recognizing innovators that are rising stars in their fields,” said Paul R. Sanberg, NAI president. “This new class is joining a prolific group of academic visionaries already defining tomorrow.”
Following a nomination for NAI senior member class, individuals undergo a rigorous selection process by the NAI advisory committee comprised of elected NAI members and other professionals considered pioneers in their respective fields.
Senior members are elected biannually, and nominations are accepted on a rolling basis. Nominations currently are being accepted for the third senior member class on the NAI website.
A full list of NAI senior members also is available on the NAI website.
About the National Academy of Inventors
The National Academy of Inventors is a member organization comprising U.S. and international universities, and governmental and non-profit research institutes, with more than 4,000 individual inventor members and fellows spanning more than 250 institutions worldwide. It was founded in 2010 to recognize and encourage inventors with patents issued from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, enhance the visibility of academic technology and innovation, encourage the disclosure of intellectual property, educate and mentor innovative students, and translate the inventions of its members to benefit society. The NAI publishes the multidisciplinary journal, Technology and Innovation.