The Micron School of Materials Science and Engineering is proud to announce its fall 2019 seminar series. Seminars are free and open to the public, occurring at 10:30 a.m. on most Fridays in Ruch Engineering Building, Room 110. This fall, speakers will cover a wide range of topics including innovations in computer memory technology, the future of integrated energy systems, how heat flows at the nanoscale, integrating electronics with the human body, emerging materials for quantum computing and more.
Materials science and engineering is a transdisciplinary field that explores the fundamental science of materials and their applications to meet global challenges such as renewable energy, personalized healthcare, and clean water, among others. Materials are central to the world which surrounds us – everything is made of some material, and innovation often requires new materials discoveries.
Speakers include: professor John Rogers of Northwestern University, a MacArthur Fellow and a member of the National Academy of Sciences; Chandra Mouli, senior director of device technology for Micron Technology; and Mary Stevens, the senior vice president of Global Marketing at Herman Miller. In addition to technical talks, the series will include New York Times best selling author Stephanie Land, who will tell her story of struggling with poverty as a single mother while working her way through college as a maid.
Boise State faculty wishing to connect with speakers may send inquiries to assistant professor David Estrada,, cc: Laurel Millard,