A story by Tomas Baiza will appear in the 2019 Writers in the Attic Program anthology “Fuel” published by The Cabin, the Boise nonprofit literary organization.
Baiza is the director of the Advising and Academic Support Center. His story, “Hole,” is about a graduate student’s first day in Mexico City. Baiza based the story on a real event he experienced while conducting research at the Mexican National Archives in 1997.
“In the story I try to communicate the feelings of alienation, excitement and vulnerability one can experience in a new and unfamiliar environment. This was my first short story submission and I am very proud that it placed with The Cabin, the spiritual center of Boise’s local writing community,” said Baiza.
J. Reuben Appleman, a 2005 graduate of Boise State’s writing program and the author of “The Kill Jar,” judged the competition.
Meet Baiza and the other authors at an anthology launch party, 6:30 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 29 at The Basque Center. The cost is $5 for general admission.
Baiza’s flash fiction piece, “And Then A Wind,” appeared in the July 2019 issue of Parhelion Literary Magazine.
Read the piece and learn more about Baiza: https://parhelionliterary.com/tomas-baiza/