Boise State University would like to congratulate Jeremiah Shinn on accepting the position of Vice President for Student Affairs at Louisiana State University (LSU). To celebrate Shinn’s accomplishments at Boise State, share some laughter at his expense and to wish him well on this new endeavor, the Division of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management will host a reception and roast from 1-3 p.m. on Monday, June 17, in the Simplot Ballroom. Formal remarks and a roast led by some of Shinn’s longtime colleagues will begin at 1:30 p.m. Please join this farewell celebration and help send Shinn off in true Bronco style.
Shinn has served in multiple roles at Boise State since his arrival in January 2010, including director of the Student Involvement and Leadership Center, assistant vice president for student life and associate vice president for student affairs. Under his leadership, progress was made in creating a vibrant campus experience, including significant growth in sorority and fraternity life, leadership programs, and the creation of an overall framework for supporting student entities and organizations. Shinn often taught courses for both undergraduates and graduates. He frequently was sought out to advise on organizational effectiveness across the university. He is a national leader and routinely is called upon to provide strategic insight for national organizations and colleges and universities.
As the senior student affairs officer for LSU, Shinn will provide strategic vision and direction for the flagship campus’s growing and increasingly diverse student body. He will lead a dynamic division with a $77 million annual operating budget. In collaboration with the team in the LSU division of student affairs, he is charged with developing a campus environment conducive to student success; leading strategic initiatives with campus constituents that positively impact the retention of students; serving as the primary advocate for students by leading efforts to support student life; and engaging, retaining and graduating a dynamic and academically competitive student body.