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Important Dates for Mandatory Cybersecurity Training

In the effort to defend state networks as well as faculty, staff and students from cybercrime on campus and throughout the state, employees are required to complete the State of Idaho 2019 cybersecurity training. The training includes new training modules intended to build on the content provided in 2018. Training is mandatory for state employees; below are important dates to consider for completion of the modules.

Beginning Feb. 19:  Employees will receive – or already may have received – initial information about this training from the State of Idaho Division of Human Resources, from, with instructions on accessing individual’s training account with KnowBe4, the state’s online training provider.

Feb. 25: Individual links will be emailed to each employee to complete the 2019 training modules. Each user will have a unique link, so employees must click on the link they receive via email to ensure their completion is recorded.

March 29: The State of Idaho Division of Human Resources requires all cybersecurity training be completed by employees by this date to be eligible for a change in employee compensation (CEC) merit increase, should one be approved by the Legislature.

Please note employees who were assigned the 2018 training modules which have yet to complete them will need to complete BOTH cybersecurity training modules assigned in 2018 and 2019 to be eligible for CEC merit increases.

New employees who started after Feb. 11, 2019, will not be assigned the 2018 training but will receive the 2019 training assigned on Feb. 25.

Boise State’s human resources team is partnering with the state division of human resources to ensure this process goes as smoothly as possible. For questions regarding the State of Idaho cybersecurity initiative, please visit: