November 5-9 is National Distance Learning Week, which is dedicated to raising awareness of distance learning, how it helps students reach their academic goals and to recognize leaders in the field of online education. Boise State is proud to recognize and celebrate its growth in online learning this week and throughout the year.
In the past year, Boise State has grown the number of fully online programs from 37 to 40 undergraduate, graduate and certificate options – including a new online Bachelor of Art in Public Health and Master of Science in Respiratory Care.
The number of Boise State students enrolling in online courses or fully online programs also is growing. The university currently has 3,577 undergraduate and graduate students enrolled fully online. This reflects an increase of 19.7 percent over last year and an increase of 75.4 percent over five years ago, according to the fall census day report.
Of those 3,577 students, more than 77 percent are engaged in fully online degree programs.
Fully online programs provide flexibility in when and where students take Boise State classes, enabling them to complete their degrees while still maintaining other responsibilities such as caring for their family and maintaining their careers. This increased access and flexibility does not come at the cost of academic rigor and high-quality interactions between students and with faculty and staff.
“In the past, many people have been excluded from pursuing a university education because they were place-bound, perhaps in rural Idaho, or because they were time-bound, perhaps working hours that prohibited them from coming to classes consistently,” said Mark Wheeler, dean of Extended Studies. “With online education, we are able to extend higher education to entirely new audiences. This is critical to Idaho’s initiative to increase the number of its citizens who have a college credential.”
Many of Boise State’s fully online programs and more than 500 online courses were supported by the eCampus Center instructional design team, who work with faculty to create specialized, interactive online classes and degree programs based on research and best practices.
On the student recruitment and retention side, Extended Studies’ team of student success coaches provide personalized support for online students from application to graduation.
For more information about distance learning at Boise State, visit boisestate.edu/online/ or explore the National Distance Learning Week events happening throughout the week, which are listed below.
3-6 p.m. Nov. 8: Online Transfer Night at the College of Western Idaho
Boise State’s online student success team will be at the College of Western Idaho Ada County Pintail Center speaking with students about transferring to Boise State after completing their associate’s degree.
Nov. 8-9: Digital Ecosystems Conference
Boise State’s Learning Technology Solutions team presents the second annual Digital Ecosystems Conference (DigEco) at the Riverside Hotel in Boise. Designed to inspire conversations about the opportunities digital tools provide our state, DigEco 2018 explores the innovative work within Idaho’s academic community and the potential advances that arise in education when industry and academe work together. Registration is free and includes lunch and refreshments.
To learn more about the conference, including the agenda, scheduled presenters, and registration information, visit the DigEco conference website.
12:30 p.m. Nov 9: From Application to Enrollment, an Online Management Info Session
Join the Boise State online student success team for an overview of each stage of the application to enrollment process and understand the timeline and importance of each step. We will go over our application process for our online management BBA program, which covers applying to the university, ordering transcripts, filling out financial aid on time and submitting your management BBA application.