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Mojtaba Sadegh

Mojtaba Sadegh recently published an article in Science Trends titled “Using Sensors In Water Distribution Networks” in conjunction with Mohammad S. Khorshidi and Mohammad Reza Nikoo. The article highlights how critical it is to public safety to have secure water infrastructure and supplies.

The article states, in part: “Although the functionality of [Water Distribution Systems] WDS to deliver water to customers might seem straightforward, the water entering the WDS via a reservoir, a tank, or other systems travel hundreds or even thousands of miles, passing through tens to hundreds of pipes and junctions before being delivered to consumers. It is not only astounding but also frightening, because if poisoned water enters the WDS by accident or sabotage, it would indeed contaminate almost the entire WDS.”

It echoes the trio’s research in the peer-reviewed publication, Water Research.