For the second time in four years, Boise State’s Beta Alpha Psi (BAP) chapter has been awarded the Gold Challenge Chapter award for chapter excellence. The international honors organization is for students in accounting, finance and information systems at accredited universities. This year, the award was only given to ten chapters out of more than 300 chapters internationally.
To receive this award, chapters were required to create a video demonstrating chapter strengths, creativity and innovation in addition to meeting superior chapter requirements.
“The chapter has a great deal to be proud of. I watched the application video and can see why our chapter is in the top three percent,” said College of Business and Economics Dean Mark Bannister. “Congratulations to the students and thank you to the Department of Accountancy for the guidance and support they give to BAP.”
“The Gold award demonstrates that Boise State’s chapter has taken the necessary steps to attract top students in the fields of accounting, finance and information systems as well as provide exceptional programming,” explained Department of Accountancy Chair Troy Hyatt. “BAP provides networking, service to communities, workshops and more to give members an extra edge among their peers and make lifelong contacts. I see the value BAP adds to its members’ education.”
Hyatt also thanked faculty advisor Kathy Hurley.
“I know how much time and energy it takes to be a faculty advisor for Beta Alpha Psi and I appreciate Kathy Hurley’s willingness to do it. She truly makes a significant difference in the lives of our students.”
Much of the chapter’s success is attributed to the organization’s officers. The 2017-2018 officers were Reagan Haldi (president), Amy Bennett, Shelby Feld, JunLin Huang, Andy Jozwik, Nicolette Roper, Austin Skogsberg and Kim Wilburn. Current BAP officers are Amy Bennett (president), Cassie Knigge, Corey Leikauf, James Martin, Patrick Musgrove, Kendra Stillwaugh, Matt Twiss and Caitlin Wambolt..