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Teresa Serratt

Teresa Serratt was selected as one of 30 nursing faculty from across the nation to participate in the inaugural American Association of College Nursing (AACN)- Apple Digital Innovation Bootcamp: From Content to Action. The AACN launched this initiative to allow nursing faculty the opportunity to leverage innovative technology to enhance the learning environment in the classroom, laboratory, and clinical setting. The 30 selected participants will gather July 9-12 in Austin, TX to gain experience in creating digital content, developing iOS mobile apps and multi-touch books, and creating an engaging learning environment to bring back to their student learners.

Following a competitive application process that included more than 150 applicants, the incoming class of digital bootcamp participants were chosen for their “innovative ideas and commitment to enhancing the educational experience for today’s nursing students” according to Ann Cary, chair of the AACN Board of Directors. Serratt will accompany other nursing faculty from 20 states and the District of Columbia, representing an array of institution types, including small liberal arts programs, public and private schools, and large academic health centers.

For a complete list of attendees and their associated institution, please visit the official press release at