The work of Laurie Blakeslee, an associate professor in the art department, and Crystal McBrayer, creative services director and a part-time faculty member in the art department, is featured in “2+2 Sculpture + Photography.”
The exhibition runs through June 28 at the Prichard Art Gallery at the University of Idaho, 414/416 S. Main St. in Moscow, Idaho. In addition to photographic work by Blakeslee and McBrayer, it features sculptural work by Theresa Henson, director of creative services at the Monastery of St. Gertrude in Cottonwood, and Kristin LeVier, a sculptor who lives in Moscow.
In her photographic series, the “40-year-old Garden,” Blakeslee chronicles four seasons of her mother-in-law’s evolving Boise garden.

McBrayer’s work focuses on nature, bones, landscapes, birds and other subjects in the natural world.

The Prichard Art Gallery’s summer hours are 1-6 p.m. Tuesday-Friday and 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday. Admission is free.