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Jonathan Lashley

Jonathan Lashley has been hosting hour-long webinars this spring as part of Macmillan’s larger On the Open Road webinar series. His presentations have been focused on the roles that university staff, faculty and leaders play in supporting the sustainable adoption of open educational resources (OER), which are free, customizable alternatives to commercial textbooks and other publisher course materials. These presentations have allowed him to showcase the collective efforts of Boise State staff and faculty in promoting OER.

In his first webinar, “Implementing OER: It Takes a Village,” Lashley explained how early planning and collaborative practices among departments and institutions have led to successful university initiatives in OER. His second webinar, “Supporting OER: Calling All Instructional Designers and Technologists,” closed out Macmillan’s Open Education Week festivities and highlighted the roles that instructional designers and technologists play in ensuring that OER meet the needs of a given learning context. In his upcoming webinar on April 13, “Valuing OER: From Student Affordability to Meaningful Learning Opportunities,” Lashley will demonstrate that there is more to OER than cost savings for students; there are benefits to student and curricular outcomes as well.

For more information about these presentations or to register for the third webinar, please visit