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Nominate an Outstanding Classified Employee Today

Boise State University’s Association of Classified Employees (ACE) is now seeking nominations for Outstanding Classified Employee of the Year. This award is designed to recognize a classified staff member who has demonstrated outstanding service to the university. The recipient, along with all the nominees, will be honored at the annual ACE luncheon (date to be announced). Please take a moment to submit your nomination for a deserving individual.

Rules for eligibility:

  • Individual must have been employed a minimum of one year at Boise State in a permanent classified position
  • The president and vice president of ACE are not eligible during his/her term
  • Past recipients of the award are not eligible; however, past nominees who did not receive the award are eligible. Past award recipients are listed on the ACE website

Nominations are due by 5 p.m. Friday, March 30.

For more information, visit the ACE website or call Michael Vasquez at (208) 779-2251. A nomination form is available online.