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Assistance Available for International Students’ Tax Preparation

The Office of the Vice President for Finance and Administration is once again offering assistance to help international students prepare their state and federal taxes.

Operations Manager Suzy White and Savanna Tryon, senior tax accountant, will be available to assist international students with federal tax preparation from 1-4 and 4:30-6:30 p.m. Monday, March 19, at University Plaza Suite 300. They will assist with state taxes from 3-5 p.m. and 6-8 p.m. Tuesday, March 20, in the Student Union Building Jordan C Ballroom.

“While we do not prepare their tax returns, we do guide them through the process, make sure they have all the right information and answer their questions,” said White. “We have been reaching out to international students to ensure that they know about the impact international taxes have on them. Throughout the year, we communicate with the students and explain many of the subtle nuances of international taxes. They need to know they are going to have a tax bill at some point in time and that monies withheld from their checks are going to look different from their U.S. roommates. It can be confusing and we like to help them understand.”​

“All international students in the United States on a visa must file some sort of tax return, regardless of income,” explained Tryon. “A lot of students don’t know that or what form to fill out if they weren’t employed. We try to catch and help them all.”

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