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Register for Boise State’s Research Computing Days Workshops

Registration is now open for several workshops being offered during Boise State’s Research Computing Days, happening March 15-16 in the Student Union Building.

Registration is open for these classes:

  • Unix Shell and Git
  • Scientific Programming, including: Intro to Python, Intro to Python for Biologists, Advanced Python (machine learning), MATLAB and R
  • R2 Labs

Participants only need to register for the workshops and labs. Otherwise, individuals are invited to come check out Research Computing Days activities as their schedules allow, including a talk given by keynote speaker Josh Anderson from the University of Michigan, lead developer of HOOMD-blue; a poster session round-up to share computational and data-intensive research being done by students at Boise State; lightning talks to hear how Boise State researchers wrangle computing and coding tools to impact their research projects; and a team code challenge – featuring prizes – geared towards software carpentry participants to spend the afternoon tackling real-world research challenges with their new skills.

Research Computing Days is free for the campus research community and anyone looking to learn more and exchange ideas about scientific computing.