“Food for thought,” the philosophy club’s annual food-raiser, takes place from 3:30-5:15 p.m. Friday, March 9, in Room 201 of the Interactive Learning Center.

Derrick Harris from the University of North Texas will present “Toward Coexistential Ontologies of the Present.” Over the last 20 years, a growing number of scholars have been arguing that we are living in a new geological age, “the Anthropocene” — an epoch that, for the first time in the stratigraphic record, is defined by the telluric force of a single species, the human. In his talk, Harris will outline the Anthropocene argument along with its scientific foundations and its implications for philosophy. He also will explore some of the emergent theoretical debates surrounding this narrative, and elaborate some alternative “coexistential” ontologies of the present offered by the speculative turn in contemporary philosophy, focusing on the work of Timothy Morton and Donna Haraway.
Food donations are encouraged and will go to the Boise State food pantry. All food items are accepted, but preferred items are low-sodium, non-perishable items (in cans, etc.) such as: black, garbanzo, kidney and green beans, and tuna, chicken, chicken soup, salsa, dried fruit, nuts, crackers and vegetables.