Kenyan choral conductor Evans Obanda Ouma Mbinji will give a presentation on the traditions and performance of Kenyan music from 7-8 p.m. Tuesday, March 6, in the Recital Hall (C200) of the Morrison Center. The program is free and open to the public.
During this session, Mbinji will detail the forces of cultural dynamism and change found in this repertoire. He will discuss the logistical considerations in the performance of traditional music including arrangements, the role of soloists and more.
In Kenya, Mbinji has an active career as a choral conductor, educator and composer. Among other roles, he is artistic director and co-founder of Jobel Chorale, a group devoted to global programming, interdenominational performance projects and innovative collaborations. He has received numerous national and international awards. Choirs under his direction have performed across Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and Egypt. He is a frequent adjudicator at the Kenya Music Festival.
Mbinji is an advocate for contemporary, gospel and traditional music. His compositions and arrangements have been featured in numerous festivals.
For more information, contact Michael Porter at michaelporter2@boisestate.edu.