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Celebrate Campus Read at Albertsons Library March 6

The campus community is invited to celebrate the 2017-2018 campus read at Albertsons Library on Tuesday, March 6. This year, the campus read is made up of 14 essays. You can check out the essays at the library and discover fascinating, intriguing and thought-provoking ideas. The celebration will be on the first floor of the library. Cake will be served from noon until it runs out, and whiteboards will be available to facilitate discussions and ignite conversations within the campus read community.

The campus read committee, comprised of students, faculty and staff, works with the president’s office to select works that will encourage students to read beyond textbooks. Each year, Boise State’s campus read committee selects works to raise awareness of the individual’s relationship to the community, promote diverse perspectives and create a climate for innovation and creative solutions. The campus read program is overseen by the provost’s office, in cooperation with New Student and Family Programs.