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Apply Now for CTL’s Summer Institutes

Registration is now open for the Center for Teaching and Learning’s summer institute. Learn more and register for a course you’re interested in below:

Course Design Institute 1.0: May 14-18

Are you teaching a new course next year? Or ready to redesign one you’ve already taught? Interested in aligning the components of your course to intentionally foster significant student learning? If so, join colleagues from across campus in an intensive five-day working institute. Together participants will focus on the role of course design in the overall act of teaching; write learning outcomes that will provide focus for the course activities and assessment. By the end of the week, participants will have substantial work completed towards a new or revised course design. This institute is for those who have not participated in a previous Course Design Institute. Learn more and apply now for Course Design Institute 1.0.

Course Design Institute 2.0: May 15-17

Have you learned the basics of backwards course design in a previous Course Design Institute? The goal of this event is to capture what is valuable about CDI 1.0, but with a lower time commitment. So come and join colleagues from across campus in a multi-day working institute designed to jump start your course design process. Learn more and apply now for Course Design Institute 2.0.

Mobile Learning Institute: May 16-18

A three-day summer institute focused on creative pedagogical strategies that leverage the power of mobile devices to enhance teaching and learning. Areas of exploration will include increasing student engagement, facilitating communication, expanding the borders of the learning environment and improving productivity. Learn more and register for the Mobile Learning Institute online.

Open Educational Resources Institute: May 10

A one-day institute focused on creative pedagogical strategies that leverage the power of Open Educational Resources to enhance teaching and learning. Areas of exploration will include increasing student engagement, retaining and reusing open resources, expanding the borders of the learning environment and improving productivity. Learn more and register for the Open Educational Resources Institute online.