An essay on The Writing Plus Project, a year-long collaborative, grant-funded project carried out by Boise State University and the College of Western Idaho in 2013-2014, was recently published in the Basic Writing eJournal on acceleration: https://bwe.ccny.cuny.edu/BWeCurrentIssue.html
The essay, titled “A University-Community College Collaborative Project to Create Co-Requisite Offerings and Reduce Remediation,” was written by Lori Chastaine Michas of Boise State, Karen Uehling of Boise State, Meagan Newberry of CWI, and Abigail Wolford of CWI.
The Writing Plus Project was one of the efforts resulting in the national Council on Basic Writing Award for Innovation received by Boise State’s First-Year Writing Program in 2015. Karen Uehling of Boise State and Meagan Newberry of CWI were co-chairs of the project. Lori Michas of Boise State and Abigail Wolford of CWI were faculty participants.

The purpose of the project was to develop teaching approaches and strategies appropriate for co-requisite First-Year writing courses in two versions: English 101+1 credit Writers’ Studio at BSU; English 101+2 credit English 100 course at CWI. This project supported SBOE goals for higher education: to reduce the number of students who require remediation and to increase the number of Idahoans who complete college-level certificates or degrees. The project included monthly meetings, cross-institutional visits, curriculum development, teacher research projects, and presentations at a week-long summer institute for faculty from across the state.