Pulitzer Prize–winning poet Rae Armantrout will moderate a discussion of Ahsahta Press poet’s Kate Greenstreet’s latest book, “The End of Something,” at 10 a.m. May 6 at Open Books, an all-poetry bookstore in Seattle.
In a release from the bookstore, Armantrout said, “Kate Greenstreet’s “The End of Something” is the fourth and last book of a loose series, but you don’t need to read the others to appreciate it. This book is like the ghost of a story; there is a floating thread of narrative, but one without defined characters or setting. Each statement; each utterance seems somehow both complete and incomplete. Each, no matter how seemingly ordinary, hangs in the air, gathering an eerie charge of loss and loneliness around it. I’ve never read anything quite like it – but when I try to think of comparisons, a couple of names that come to mind are C.D. Wright and Samuel Beckett … I chose this book not because I’ve figured it all out, but because I haven’t.”
Janet Holmes, director of Ahsahta Press at Boise State University, first published Greenstreet’s work in 2006. That book, “case sensitive,” was the first of the four books Armantrout mentions in the release.
“Kate began with poetry,” Holmes said, “but has, with each book, added visual art, movies and websites to her body of work.”
Greenstreet’s second book, “The Last 4 Things,” included a DVD containing two films. Find more information, including poems, films and interviews, on Greenstreet’s website, kickingwind.com.