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BroncoFit Preventative Health Screenings March 6-9

BroncoFit and Preventative Health will provide free health screening clinics on campus March 6-9. Consider taking 20-30 minutes to check up on your health.

Screenings are provided at no cost if you have verifiable insurance, and participation doesn’t prohibit you from also seeing your primary care provider, as this screening and an annual exam can be covered at no cost within the same year.

Wellness screenings include a thyroid test, diabetes test, lipid panels and a blood pressure check, among other things. For this reason, an eight-hour fast before your appointment is preferred. Black coffee, tea and water are fine to drink.

Questions? Please feel free to contact Holly Levin from Boise State Health Services or Brooke Heidemann at Preventative Health. Preventative Health has provided over 5,000 wellness clinics to over 200,000 participants across Idaho.