Boise State accountancy students are volunteering to provide free income tax preparation assistance to people who earn up to $66,000 annual income. This is the fifth year that student volunteers have participated in the IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program.
Students are trained and certified by the IRS to help qualified individuals file tax returns electronically using MyFreeTaxes.com.
Don’t need assistance? Anyone making $66,000 or less can use MyFreeTaxes.com.
Assistance will be available from 12:15-4 p.m. Wednesdays, Feb. 7, 14, 21, 28, March 7, 14, 21 and April 4-11, in the Hayes Auditorium at the Boise public library, 715 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise.
If you have questions regarding VITA, please contact Kathy Hurley in the Department of Accountancy, kathyhurley@boisestate.edu or call, (208) 426-1271.