A campus food pantry is opening its doors this week. Associated Students of Boise State University (ASBSU) and the Office of the Dean of Students have teamed up to provide a coordinated campus solution to students facing food insecurity: a pantry offering nourishing and cost-effective meals and snacks.

In true Bronco innovative fashion, this pantry (and satellite cupboards coming soon) will offer more than just food items by including nutritional guidance and education, as well. Working in coordination with assistant director and dietician, MarLee Harris, these meal recipes have been designed with nutrition and a student budget in mind. Further, all the meals are student tested, student approved. All meal kits contain shelf-stable items and come with inexpensive yet nutritious recipes and instructions for preparation.
The campus food pantry is housed in the Office of the Dean of Students (Campus School, Suite 120) and will be open Monday-Friday during business hours. All students are welcome, and will just need their ID card to access the pantry.