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Radiologic Sciences

The Department of Radiologic Sciences recently hosted two events on consecutive days in November with the aim of giving back to the medical imaging community in the region.

On Friday evening, Nov. 10, the department hosted an alumni and friends social event. Attendees were given the opportunity to tour the Allen Noble Hall of Fame Center with a presentation given by a staff member from Boise State’s athletic training program followed by a tour of both the X-ray and ultrasound labs in the radiologic sciences department. The tour participants then convened with other attendees, faculty and administrators of the College of Health Sciences for a social gathering at the new Alumni and Friends Center ballroom.

The following day was dedicated to an all-day continuing education event in the Student Union Building. Approximately 60 attendees from across the region as well as two visiting professors were treated to a total of seven hour-long presentations. A diverse group of experts gave presentations that were relatable to medical imaging professionals. Phil Ford, clinical associate professor for the Department of Kinesiology, gave an enlightening talk on musculoskeletal health pertinent to both the health care professionals in attendance and the patients they serve. Erica Wight, clinical assistant professor for the Department of Radiologic Sciences, presented on customer service in health care. Other topics included ethics in healthcare, advances in neuroimaging, as well as the use of exposure index numbers in radiography.

The continuing education event was well received and very much appreciated by the attendees. The event gave participants an opportunity to network, reacquaint with old friends and classmates while obtaining the education necessary to continue to provide top quality care for the patients in the region.