Boise State’s Construction Management Association student club has had a busy fall semester completing volunteer projects around the campus to benefit Boise State’s Intermountain Bird Observatory and university bike commuters.
Last summer, the Intermountain Bird Observatory reached out to the student club for help rebuilding an equipment storage shed that burned down during the previous fire season in the Boise River Wildlife Management Area, near Lucky Peak.
The construction management student club excavated the area, created a new foundation, poured the slab and arranged to have a watertight, fire-resistant storage container delivered to the site to act as the new storage facility. The Boise State Construction Management Association provided all labor for this job, which amounted to 92 man hours.

In addition, the construction management student club subcontracted for Boise State’s Architectural and Engineering Services and Department of Public of Safety to build a roofed bike shelter near the Chaffee Hall dormitory.
The project was funded by a COMPASS Communities in Motion grant, which funded two-thirds of the project. The construction management student team provide the labor and most of the materials for the site work scope, which included leveling the existing sod near the Chaffee Hall dormitory, excavating and pouring 18 yards of concrete for the sidewalk and bike rack slab.