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John Freemuth – USGS Grant

A Boise State team led by John Freemuth, and funded by a USGS grant, helped create a new tool mapping public lands and other protected areas in the U.S. The Protected Areas Database of the United States contains more than 3 billion public land and marine acres managed by nearly 15,100 agencies and nongovernmental organizations, covering 200,000 separate parks and protected areas.

The project has been used for:

·        Land ownership questions by congressional district, including federal, state, and local governments

·        Federal land ownership on or near the U.S. borders

·        Agency-specific lands in state or congressional district

·        Boundaries of specific units (i.e., parks, monuments, etc.)

·        Identifying military installations by name in conjunction with government reports

·        Locating federal facilities in U.S. territories