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Customized Learning Opportunities for Blackboard, Clickers and More

The Learning Technology Solutions (LTS) team in the Office of Information Technology is kicking off the Spring 2018 semester by offering custom learning opportunities to Boise State faculty.

Semester kick-off meetings are a great opportunity to introduce your college or department to cool, new (and sometimes old) technology tools and features that can improve both faculty and student experiences.

LTS is offering their services for tailored-training that can be inserted into departmental/program meetings, regular staff meetings, or even for setting up special training sessions for your teams.

Popular topics on campus this semester are:

  • Blackboard dashboard, retention center and date management
  • Basic Blackboard training for teaching and graduate assistants
  • Using clickers in the classroom,
  • New features of the TechSmith Relay building block
  • and much more

To schedule a training session for your department, please email

Additional information about services and resources available through Learning Technology Solutions is available on the Office of Information Technology website.