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Congratulations to 10-Week Fitness Challenge Top Finishers

Students in the School of Allied Health Sciences Department of Kinesiology would like to thank and congratulate all of the finishers of the 10-week Fitness Challenge who improved their health and fitness.

Hats off to the top five finishers this semester: Sara Fry, Joanne Klein, Busayo Apampa, Cathlene McGraw and Erin Nance. Kudos, as well, to their student trainers: Dusty Fisher, Kevin Blume, Grace Matlock, Marlon Carson and Minttu Hukka. In addition, Fitness Challenge participant donations increased the Kinesiology Department Scholarship fund by more than $5000.

The 10-Week Fitness Challenge was a friendly competition between Boise State employees to see who improved their health and fitness the most across the semester. Faculty and staff committed to participate for 10 weeks and KINES 432 Conditioning Principles students provided personal training. Student personal trainers developed and guided clients through an exercise routine designed to help participants meet their health and fitness goals.

Thanks again to all who actively participated — you provided the students with a valuable learning experience.

To participate in the next fitness challenge, watch for an Update announcement during the first week of Spring 2018 classes.