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About NEW Leadership Idaho

What is NEW Leadership Idaho?

NEW LeadershipTM Idaho is a statewide program. It is administered by Boise State’s School of Public Service, which allows program participant’s close proximity to our state legislature. However, to fulfill its mission and be successful, NEW LeadershipTM requires widespread student participation from all of Idaho’s Colleges and Universities.

Participation in NEW LeadershipTM is limited to 30 students per year. The application process is open during the month of March and requires thoughtful responses to a minimum of three short essay questions (100-300 words each).

Program Goals

NEW LeadershipTM Idaho features an innovative curriculum that…

  • Teaches students about the diversity of women’s historical and contemporary participation in politics and policy making;
  • Connects students with women leaders who make a difference;
  • Helps students explore the demands of justice based, effective, and ethical leadership in a diverse society;
  • Cultivates students’ leadership skills;
  • Enables students to practice leadership through action; and
  • Builds a statewide network of peers and mentors.

NEW LeadershipTM does not promote one model of leadership, but rather is designed to assist students in exploring their own approach to leadership and politics. Students will become familiar with a variety of leadership styles and will be given the chance to develop the skills needed to take advantage of a wide range of political activities and opportunities to affect public policy.