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About Us

The Quantum DNA Research Group  grew out of a close collaboration with several core faculty. Established in 2000 as the Knowlton Research Group, with the arrival of Wan Kuang (ECE) in 2005 and Bernie Yurke (MSE & ECE) in 2007, the group moved towards a collaborative effort combining expertise in photonics & plasmonics, biomolecular self assembly and electrical characterization of nanodevices and stimulated a new direction for the group, then called the Nanoscale Materials and Device Group.

The group grew in the Fall of 2008 with the arrival of Will Hughes (MSE), an expert in nanostructures, and Jeunghoon Lee (Chemistry), an expert in nanoparticle synthesis. In the summer of 2009, Elton Graugnard (MSE) joined the group with significant experience in lab start-ups and photonics. The successful evolution of the research lab has centered on a unique cohesiveness, open communication, and rewarding interaction. The mission of the group is to provide a rewarding and nourishing atmosphere of hands-on cutting edge research for students to develop and grow professionally and technically and use as an opportunity to springboard to a professional career that will benefit them and society.

Group photo

Front Row: Craig Onodera (MSE GA), Ross Butler (ECE UG), Lloyd Lowe (ECE UG), Ricki Southwick (ECE GA), Justin Reed (ECE UG), Alex English (ECE GA), Davis Daniel (MSE UG)

Middle Row: Chad Watson (Research Engineer), Dr. Wan Kuang (Asst. Professor, ECE), Dr. Elton Graugnard (Research Asst. Professor, MSE), Dave Schenker (MBE, UG), Stephanie Barnes (MSE UG), Jonathan Henderson (MBE UG), Chris Buu (ECE GA), Ryan Thompson (ECE UG), Dr. Will Hughes (Asst. Professor, MSE)

Back Row: Pammy Walker (MSE UG), Dr. Bill Knowlton (Assoc. Professor, ECE & MSE), Hieu Bui (ECE GA), Dr. Bernie Yurke (Research Professor, ECE & MSE)

Note: MSE: Materials Science and Engineering, ECE: Electrical and Computer Engineering; MBE: Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering