About this page
This page will take you through each stage of the process to earn a degree in music education and certification to teach music in Idaho. The Music Education major, within the Bachelor of Music degree, results in certification to teach kindergarten through twelfth-grade general/choral/instrumental music. At every stage of the certification process – program admission, placement for student teaching and certification for licensure – you must demonstrate that you are mentally and physically able to carry out the duties and responsibilities of a classroom teacher.
Review the following links for requirements:
Music Education Advising and Professional Development
Music Education advisors are assigned by the letter of your last name or by special status:
Music education majors should see an advisor at least twice during their program of study:
- In the fall of the first year, where you will plan out your courses up to about your fourth semester that you will take your music education interview.
- In the semester you take your music education interview (usually around the fourth semester), where you will plan your courses for student teaching and graduation.
By the completion of your music education interview, you will generally have an advising plan through to graduation. Upper-division students can and should come back for additional advising if they need to deviate from that plan before graduating.
National and State Standards:
For questions regarding Music Education at Boise State University, please contact Dr. Lori Gray at lorigray@boisestate.edu.