Office: MB 235-C
(208) 426-3693
Kathrine Johnson joined the Department of Mathematics in 1999 after earning BA degrees in both Mathematics and Biology from The College of Idaho, an MS from Minnesota State University at Mankato and PhD in Applied Probability from the University of Idaho. She also spent 2001-2 on the faculty of The College of Idaho.
Kathrine uses a modified Team-Based Learning(™) structure for teaching and investigates the use of teams and active learning in math and statistics education. Current interests include the use of peer learning and team assessment, particularly in online or remote teaching. She also coordinates MATH 254 Introduction to Statistics and MATH 153 Statistical Reasoning.
Selected products
- Learning Through Practice: Doing Statistics, 2e, 2020, Van Griner
- Learning Through Practice: Statistical Reasoning, 1e, 2019, Van Griner
Selected courses taught
- MATH 175 Calculus II
- MATH 254 Introduction to Statistics
- MATH 261 Statistical Reasoning in the Secondary Classroom
- MATH 360 Engineering Statistics
- MATHED 526 Teaching and Learning Statistics