All Club Sports logos, uniforms, banners and other club apparel or merchandise must be approved by the Trademark Licensing and Enforcement office as well as the Assistant Director for Recreational Sports, Jared Cox. Please submit artwork to
Club Sports must use a licensed vendor to produce Boise State branded items. This applies whether the items are intended for the team’s own use (e.g. uniforms or team shirts) or items to be sold for fundraising. Contact the Trademark Licensing and Enforcement office at for guidance or questions on licensed vendors and artwork.

Below, you will find tables of permitted trademarks available to Club Sports to use on uniforms, equipment, apparel and marketing materials.
Two notes to keep in mind.
- On uniforms, Athletics Marks may only be used after a University Mark has been used.
- Also, a University Mark must be used whenever a logo is placed in conjunction with the club team name.

Any sponsors of the club or an event should be approved by Assistant Director for Rec Sports, Jared Cox at jaredcox@boisestate.eduor call (208) 426-5643. Should you want to recognize sponsors, you may do so in the following ways:
- Include the sponsor’s name or logo on your website, banner or other marketing materials. Ensure that your approved Club Sports logo is the only Boise State logo used. No use of the Bronco logo is permitted.
- Include a sponsor name or logo on merchandise, e.g. a t-shirt, however, the sponsor name or logo must be separated from your Club Sports logo, e.g. on the back or sleeve of a shirt.
For further guidelines on Club Sports Trademark Usage, please contact Jared Cox at or (208) 426-5643.