In cooperation with a grant funded by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, a team of faculty is hiring undergraduate and graduate students as educators and social media influencers. Earn $15/hour while learning about media literacy, communications and education. Preference given to applicants with strong writing, public speaking and digital communications skills.
Time Commitment
Time commitment is approximately 6 hours/week and involves:
- learning media literacy skills
- establishing reference materials
- teaching others about disinformation
- leading promotional activities
- conducting research
In-person lab work will be done every Friday from 1:30 – 3 p.m. Independent work makes up approximately 4.5 hours/week. Members of the Squad have the opportunity to collaborate with a variety of students, campus-wide departments and community partners. You will gain real-world experience in team collaboration, time management, project management and both virtual and in-person communication. There are two tracks available.
Track One
In Track One, you will be paid to take an 8-week course and then share what you learned with our community. The dates are January 13 – March 10, 2023.
- strengthen your media literacy skills to act as a media literacy reference
- review Disinfo Debunking Station
- facilitate a virtual escape room game for campus classes and public libraries
- produce digital media content related to media literacy best practices
- plan and produce programming for national Misinfo Week during the first week of March
Track Two
In Track Two, you will be paid for 8 weeks of training and then apply it to your own research. The dates for this track are January 13 – April 21, 2023. In addition to taking part in the 8-week training program, the objectives are to:
- conduct research on topics related to aspects of disinformation as a tool for radicalization
- document and disseminate research in April for either the Undergraduate or Graduate Research Showcase
To apply, email your resume and a cover letter to no later than Friday, December 9. In your cover letter please describe any learning you’ve completed related to misinformation/information literacy and how you see your skills contributing to the project.
May the facts be with you!