Winter break is almost here but now is the time to read/listen to a good book! Albertsons Library has a credit with OverDrive we need to spend and we want your help to do it.
OverDrive is the main ebook platform for popular nonfiction and fiction titles, and ebooks can be downloaded on your computer or you can download and read/listen in the Libby app for either 7 or 14 days.
To get started
- Search OverDrive for titles the Library currently owns. If you find a book to read (or listen to), great!
- If you don’t find the book you want, fill out a purchase request form, the format (ebook or audiobook) and we will try to get it for you.
- Need ideas on what to read? Search the main OverDrive site: overdrive.com or the WorldCat catalog and include the links in your purchase request form.
- When the title is purchased and added to our collection, you’ll receive an email with the link to the ebook or audiobook.

Most OverDrive ebooks are 1-user at a time ebooks and you can place a hold on titles that may be checked out. The OverDrive eBook Guide has more helpful information. Mystery, romance, young-adult, true crime, history, thrillers, and memoirs – you can request them all!
Please contact acquisitions@boisestate.edu if you have any questions.
Happy Reading!
Mary Aagard,
Head, Acquisitions and Collections