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Bronco Giving Day: MakerLab

Broncos & Passion & Giving & Impact. Bronco Giving Day #BroncosGive

This September 10th and 11th is Bronco Giving Day, 36 hours where all of Boise State will be fundraising to continue providing students with the best possible experience, and we are asking you to join us in supporting the MakerLab.

The MakerLab is a place where people make connections – they create an environment for students, staff, and faculty to form a community through the use of emerging technologies. With the spirit of interdisciplinary collaboration, individuals connect their passions and ideas to create new services, products, and ideas always in an effort to benefit the social good.

Together, we’ve reached great heights! Some of the projects we’ve created in the MakerLab include 3D printing PPE (personal protective equipment) amidst the COVID-19 crisis, adaptations for special education students, motorized prosthetic arms, creating adaptive technology for paralyzed individuals, 3D printing an army of geese with positive messages to improve mental health, and making materials to help visually impaired users understand content.

The MakerLab empowers users through making to enhance their lives and improve their communities. We make for the social good and with your support, we can make a tangible difference!

You can make a donation to our Bronco Giving Day campaign here and learn more about what the MakerLab does at their website.