The goal of co-production of research is to work with resource managers to identify questions that we may help answer with the tools and models we use. This type of research development empowers researchers to work collaboratively with managers to address data, knowledge, and information gaps that help evaluate existing management practices in new contexts, and/or assess the effects of innovating current or adopting new management practices.
- We maintain key relationships with water and resource managers in Federal and State agencies, as well as in the private sector. These include existing partnerships with the Idaho Department of Water Resources, US Geological Survey, US Bureau of Reclamation, Agricultural Research Service, Idaho State Department of Agriculture, USFS Rocky Mountain Research Station, Water District #63, City of Boise, and others.
- In support of a Northwest Climate Adaptation Fellowship, Dr, Kendra Kaiser is working with various entities in Water District #63 to assess how additional stage measurements in canals and ditches might help managers prepare for increasing irrigation efficiencies and land use change.
- Leveraging an Idaho State Department of Agriculture Specialty Crop Block Grant, Charlie Becker used output from the WRF model to create an interactive map of climatic conditions that impact vineyards over the Snake River Viticultural Area. This project has recently received another 2 years of funding to further development of indices associated with vineyard pests, and to extend the tool to other specialty crops such as hops.