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Graduate Certificate

The Leadership in Action graduate certificate program offers a 15-credit immersive and rigorous experience for current and future leaders who are committed to driving meaningful change within themselves, their teams, and their broader environment. The curriculum is focused on developing both the strategic and relational skills needed to lead in public, private, or non-profit environment.

Leadership in Action certificate

About the program

The Leadership in Action graduate certificate may be taken as a stand-alone program, added to an existing Master’s degree or integrated into a personalized M.A. or M.S. in Interdisciplinary Studies.

Students may begin the program in either fall or spring and take courses at their own pace. The entire 15-credit certificate can be completed in one calendar year.

Program course schedule

Application Information

Step 1: Submit your application to the Boise State Graduate College

Step 2: Write a personal Statement (500 word minimum) that includes:

  • A discussion of how your personal and professional goals will be enhanced through completion of the certificate.
  • An example of effective leadership from your prior experience.
  • An example of ineffective leadership from your prior experience, and your thoughts on how it could have been improved.


  • Fall Semester – July 15
  • Spring Semester – December 1
  • Summer – April 15

*Two courses may be completed prior to being accepted into the Leadership in Action graduate certificate program.


The 15-credit program is approximately $7,300 for in-state students and $12,400 for out-of-state students. See Graduate Tuition Fees for more information. Some organizations will reimburse tuition – ask your employer.

Those who hold professional certificates can expect to earn an average of 35% more than those without professional certificates. – US Bureau of Labor Statistics

Contact us

Have questions or want to explore this program further? Email us at or fill out our contact form.