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Shelley M. Lucas, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Department of Kinesiology

Shelley Lucas portrait, Kinesiology, faculty/staff, Studio Drop In, Photo by Priscilla Grover

Shelley Lucas earned a PhD in cultural studies of sport and leisure at the University of Iowa in 2001. Her research interests include women‘s sport history, gender issues in sport, and socio-cultural aspects of sport-related concussions. Her current research focuses on women’s cycling history, including mountain biking and Idaho’s own Women’s Challenge–the international cycling stage race for women that ran from 1984-2002, socio-historical aspects of women’s cycling groups, and the role of parents in supporting concussed youth sport athletes.  Dr. Lucas teaches courses in sport history and the sociology of sport.  

Contact Information:

Office: Bronco Gym 109
Phone: (208) 426-2446

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